Of all the unusual gimmicks applied to vinyl records - from colored vinyl to locked grooves to records that randomly play different versions of a song - phenakistiscopes are among our favorites. A phenakistiscope is a rotating disc with images printed around its perimeter that appear to animate when viewed under a strobe light (the above phenakistiscope is Kate Bush’s Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) 2012 Remix). All you need is 1) a turntable, 2) a strobe light with adjustable speed or a vinyl strobe app such as VinylStrobe for iOS or Strobily for Android, and 3) a phenakistiscope disc or slip mat. A Google search for “phenakistiscope vinyl” or “zoetrope vinyl” will yield a ton of results, but be sure to check out the latest Sculpture record or the slip mats sold by TheFisherKingStore. For printable PDFs try Drew Tetz’s website.